Friday, April 10, 2009

Three-Week Update

Just a quick update this morning. I need to get over to the hospital for one more check-up with Dr. Donald before visiting with the boys.

The boys are all doing great. In rounds yesterday, the doctor said they're "awesome". They're all on only 1 liter of air flow with minimal oxygen support. They're tolerating their feedings well and are increasing the amount of milk per feeding. They're also gaining weight. The numbers below may not be 100% accurate as of last night, but they're close:

Sam: 3 lbs 4 oz; feedings are up to 29cc's
Joe: 2 lbs 13 oz; 25cc's
Henry: 3 lbs even; 28cc's
Tom: 2 lbs 13 oz; 26cc's

We're starting to work with the nurses to do a physical activity program with all of the boys. We'll use flexion, extension and compression on each of their shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle joints to help mineralize their bones. They would normally have gotten to do this on their own by pushing and kicking against their placentas and my uterus walls in the womb, so we'll make up for what they're missing. Studies have also shown that this activity is most beneficial when the parents do it with the babies. So we'll be their personal trainers for a while!

We've got another busy weekend with lots of visitors expected. The McKays will be in town for Easter and many of them would like to come by to meet the boys. We're always happy to show them off! We'll also have Easter dinner at Terry and Kay's Sunday afternoon. It'll be nice to see everyone.

We'll update again soon - and will let you know how the boys' daily exercises are going. :)

Lots of love,
Tim, Kristin, Sam, Henry, Tom & Joe


  1. Thanks for the good news update, sounds like you'll have a wonderful holiday weekend. Wow, I just thought about how many eggs you guys are going to have to color in the future - fun!!

    Glad to hear the boys are doing so well and I can't think of a better personal trainer than you.

    Hugs to all the Colemans -
    Lynda, Joel & Samantha

  2. Sounds like the boys are doing fantastic! So glad to hear. We love and miss you all so much. xoxo ~ Julie, Brian, Emma & Molly

  3. What could be better than to have Mom and Dad as your personal trainers. Those boys are growing!! New nicknames -- Sammy the Moose, Hank the Tank, Joey and Tommy the Mini Movers and Shakers! We agree, the future egg hunts will be "Gi-normous." Not sure how to spell that, Kris. Happy Easter and Love all SIX of you.

    Mom and Dad

  4. What an awesome update to hear the boys are doing so well! You guys are the best personal trainers those boys could have! Sounds like you'll have a good Easter week-end with everyone. You better find a farmer who will be "eggstra" nice & sell you eggs wholesale for next Easter!!:) You're in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Lori Diehl O'Hern

  5. Hi to all, the boys are progressing well. WOW and 2 of them over 3 pounds. Great!! As personal trainers you guys will be great. Kris, the boys will love to join you are your runs.

    Love to all and Happy Easter.

    Honey and Ken

  6. Fabulous progress, Boys!! Keep up the healthy this rate, you'll be eating your parents out of house and home by age 4!! Way to go on your weight.
    We saw the article...Kris I hate you...I hate that you lost so much weight in, what, 5 minutes?? That's SOOOO not fair!
    Sounds like you are all doing great! Keep it up!
    Happy Easter, BOYS!
