Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quick update: Here we go again...

Sorry for not posting in a while. I've got lots of info to share, but not much time right now to share it. The boys have made great progress and are probably only a few weeks from coming home. But Sunday night, we got word from the NICU that Joey seems to have the same infection/absess that Sam had a couple weeks ago. It has presented in the same way: apnea and bradicardia (heart rate drop) episodes, requiring increased oxygen, etc. until they spotted the swelling on his neck. So, they've put Joe on a ventillator and on a warmer (his temp had dropped with the infection). They started him on antibiotics right away and took blood for cultures to make sure we know exactly what we're dealing with (though the doc is 99% sure it's the same infection Sam had). We should have those culture results today or tomorrow. The kicker is that they had moved the boys into a smaller room last week and that room can't support (nor does it have room for) a ventillator and a warmer. So Joe is in a separate room by himself. This has made things fairly complicated with all the precautionary procedures (gowns, gloves, etc.). Even though I understand all the policies the NICU staff has to follow, I certainly feel like we're all outcasts and not welcome there. The staff has been great and I'm not saying it's anything they're doing personally. It's just the procedures they have to follow.

Needless to say, it's been a pretty intense couple days. I stayed at Ronald McDonald House last night and will probably stay here again tonight. Joe is stable, but still seems pretty uncomfortable with the swelling on his face and neck - just like his brother Sam. The other boys are all doing well. We'll keep you posted as soon as I can find time to post more info. And once things settle down a bit, I'll catch you up on everything else the boys are up to. In the meantime, your positive thoughts and prayers are much appreciated!

Love, Kristin, Tim & the boys


  1. Another bump in the road but so many successes too. Kris and Tim, hope you are taking care of yourselves too. We love you all.

    Honey and Ken

  2. I'm sure this won't be the first time you'll wish you could clone yourself so you could be with all your boys at once. Stay strong and take comfort that you have LOTS of good people pulling for you, Tim, Sam, Tom, Henry and Joe.

    Love to all -
    Lynda, Joel & Samantha

  3. When we visited on Sunday afternoon, you had commented about Joey having some episodes while the nurse was out. We're so thankful the staff do keep such a watchful eye on your guys.
    You're in our prayers as always,
    Dorothy & Roland

  4. kris, i'm sorry you've had a rough few days, a set back along with a feeling of "isolation". you are in my thoughts everyday. i know you are being a very good and attentive mom to those lucky boys--- just hang in there.............if i can help in any way at all just let me know!

    angela leo

  5. Tim & Kris -

    We're thinking of you & hope this turns around soon!

    Todd, Amy, Grant & Brett

  6. Poor Joey...wishing him the best...hope he makes it back to the 'team room' soon!

  7. In the wise words of Mike's mom..."this too shall pass". How great that they caught Joey's infection quickly and can start to treat him to get him past the infection. I know that it's got to be tough to be there for the boys - how wonderful that the Ronald McDonald house is close so that you can stay close! I just finished saying prayers with Ryan and when I asked for the Coleman babies to be watched over so that they continue to grow and get stonger to go home with you two, Ryan said "And talk soon"...I guesss he's looking forward to talking to the boys soon! :-)We love you guys!

  8. I have a feeling that you are going to be going through this a lot as the boys grow. It will always be something for one of them. Parents of single don't notice it as much because we get breaks in between. As always, we have you and the boys in our thoughts and prayers. We can't wait for the day that you can take them home and get into your own routine with them. Love, Molly & Craig
