Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Update!!

Hello all! Kristin e-mailed me today with the update, I will just copy and paste what she wrote below. Enjoy.~~~~~~~~~ Tom: has been the best and most consistent with digesting his feedings - 5cc's at each feeding. He is off the jet vent and doing really well. Will prob stay on the reg vent for a while, but will eventually get on cpap. The medication to close the duct from his heart to bypass his lungs (used in the womb when I'm pumping blood for him) seems to have worked after one round. This is what allowed him to come off the jet. I held Tom "kangaroo" style today - skin on skin. It was wonderful! Words can't describe. He did really well the rest of the day - the doc and nurses attribute it to my time with him this morning. Sam: doing very well on cpap. Pretty well on feedings - he's been "giving a lot back" (not digesting some or most of his food). I also held him kangaroo style this afternoon. His oxygen level kept dropping and we couldn't figure out why and tried just about everything. Then a nurse peeked under my shirt to find his feet - since his blood oxygen monitor was on one of his feet. He was laying on his foot and it had probably fallen asleep. :) after we figured that out, the rest of our time together was wonderful. Joey: up to 7cc's per feeding and doing pretty well digesting it all. He's holding his own on room air on cpap. Dad held him this morning. He is still having problems with apnea - he "forgets" to breathe. All 4 boys are on caffeine to help avoid that, but Joe still struggles with it every now and then. Henry: the nursing staff likes to call him Hank - and I think he likes that. He came off cpap today and is now on just a small nose piece. We finally got to see him without all that gear on his head. And just as we suspected, he is very handsome! Like Joey - though usually a litle better - he gives back some of his feedings. He's also on 7cc's per feeding. Dad also held held Hank this morning. I'm doing well - today is the first day I haven't relied on a wheelchair to get around. Much less pain. I go see Dr. Donald tomorrow morning to get my staples removed. I'm sure he'll be interested in my blood pressure too. Hopefully the meds he put me on for that are working. Tim is taking me out for a bit tonight to visit friends and to get me some fresh air. Thanks again to Jules for managing these updates. And to everyone for their continued prayers and support. I know we say that all the time, but we just can't seem to say it enough. Love Kris & Tim


  1. We just love hearing that things are going so well. We do continue to keep all of you in our prayers. thanks for the update.

    Love to all
    Honey and Ken

  2. Kristin,
    The Christian Education director at Church has had a great tradition in her family. Today she is celebrating her Gotcha Day with her parents. As her parents would say - it is the day they Gotcha home from the hospital. I think The Coleman Four will have memorable birthdays together. They could each also have Gotcha Days. Twice the days to celebrate for each boy. Here's to every moment you have with them in the NICU and to the Gotcha's soon.
    Sending our love to you, Tim, and the boys. - Kevin, Nikki, and kids

  3. Yayyyyy!!!!

    Lynda, Joel & Samantha

  4. Wonderful news. So glad Kristin and Tim have been able to spend time with the boys but also out for a change of pace - that's just as important. D & R

  5. So glad to hear that things are going well! And so nice to hear that you got to hold them skin on skin. Keep fighting boys!

  6. What good news! I just love reading your updates. It's tender yet informative! I'm so happy things are going well. Kristin, remember to rest as much as you can. Love to all of you,
    Lori Diehl O'Hern

  7. So happy to hear that all six of you are doing so well. I am going to inform my prayer warriors how well all of you are doing today. And to keep up the prayers. A real blessing that the weather is changing and atleast you can get out and get fresh air without a snowflake blowing up your nose.

    Love, Donna
