Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Almost 28 Weeks

Our appointment with Dr. Donald today was good overall - and eventful...

I weighed in a whopping 17 pounds heavier since our last appointment - which was only 2 weeks ago. This raised a huge red flag in our constant watch for symptoms of preeclampsia. The cause of preeclampsia (also called toxemia) is unknown. What is known, however, is that women expecting multiples are more likely to develop this condition than those with singletons. Its related to high blood pressure, fluid retention/swelling, and liver/kidneys not functioning properly. There are several symptoms - and aside from my sudden weigh gain (tied to the fluid retention/swelling), nothing else by itself would point to preeclampsia. But with a moderately high blood pressure and slightly elevated protein levels in my urine, Dr. Donald is concerned...and, of course, so are we.

Following our appointment, Dr. Donald sent us to the lab to have blood drawn. These tests would tell us how well my kidneys and liver are functioning. Unfortunately, the results came back late this afternoon with "slightly elevated" numbers - meaning my kidneys and/or liver aren't quite performing up to par. The Doc is not panicked over all this - but definitely concerned. So, here's where we stand right now:

I have been firmly directed to lay on my side at all times (well, except when I have to go to the restroom, of course). I'll call the Doc's office Wednesday morning to schedule an appointment on Thursday. Dr. Donald wants to see me again and repeat the same lab tests. He told me on the phone today that I should simply plan on being admitted to the hospital Thursday. In theory, if all my test results come back with better numbers (as rest and lots of fluids can lessen or reverse some preeclampsia symptoms), the Doc could send me home in a couple days. BUT - knowing Dr. Donald and his typically conservative approach, he will most likely keep me in the hospital until after I deliver the babies.

Speaking of delivering the babies... If my symptoms worsen over time, and my health becomes a concern, the only "cure" for preeclampsia is to deliver the babies - regardless of how far along we are. That is not the best situation, but obviously, Dr. Donald is responsible for my health, as well as that of the babies - and we have to consider the situation from all angles. This is the main reason the Doc wants me to be in the hospital; as all 5 of us can be more closely monitored.

Having said all this - I really do need to share the good news from our appointment. I'm not showing any signs of preterm labor. All 4 babies are doing well. They're all active and growing! Like last time, the numbers below are estimates based on a variety of measurements. The "ages" are +/- 15 days and the weights are +/- 5 ounces.

Baby A: 28 weeks 2 days / 2 lbs 9 oz
Baby B: 27 weeks 2 days / 2 lbs 7 oz
Tommy: 27 weeks 5 days / 2 lbs 10 oz
Joey: 27 weeks 0 days / 2 lbs 6 oz

Well, one of us will update everyone after our appointment on Thursday. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love,
Kristin & Tim


  1. praying for you and the babies...stay strong!!

    leslie Schneemann

  2. I am sending you and all the boys my good karma energy. We're Praying for you.


  3. We continue to keep you, Tim and the boys in our prayers!!

  4. The boys are growing and that's exciting. Stay strong and hang in there. Everytime we spend time with you, I am amazed at how well you and Tim are handling this. Kris, from the physical side of this whole experience, you are amazing. Also, both of you keeping your senses of humor is important. Tim's may be a little skewed, but it's better than none. No more John Deere lawn tractors!! Love and prayers always go out to you both and the boys.

    Mom and Dad

  5. We'll be there 2 two short days ~ will be right next to you in that hospital bed ~ well, maybe not "in the bed" but in the room with you! :) Chinese food and Ben & Jerry's ice cream here we come!!!! Hang in there, stay strong, rest on your side and take it easy. We love you all!!! Jules xoxo

  6. we are keeping "tabs" on you thru the blog, work and julie!!!..................please know you can call on us anytime you need anything (for real, not an empty offer). also, i've put you on our church prayer list------

  7. Glad the boys are growing and doing well! We are keeping you all in our prayers that you are able to keep them in for at least a few more weeks safely! Hugs to you all!! Jen, Mike & Ryan
