First - let me address the photo situation. I know many of you are anxious to see updated pics of the boys. We've taken so many, I've decided to post them on snapfish or one of those sites. I'll publish the link in one of our next updates. Hopefully I'll get to that tonight. (By the time I get home from the hospital each day, I run out of steam pretty quickly...)
Now - on to the update for each boy from yesterday and last night.
Tommy continues to show improvement with his lungs. In fact, yesterday afternoon they dialed down the jet vent from 350 to 300 (which is a good thing). He was scheduled for another chest x-ray and blood gas check this morning, so we'll be able to post that info in our next update. Because they've limited his positions to his right side and his back (dividing the time equally), his nurse put him on a big fluffy "pillow" last night so he'd be more comfortable. He's at 8cc's with his feedings and still has some residuals here and there, but overall doing pretty well. They keep a close eye on tummy measurements - to make sure all the food is passing thru and not running into issues in their bellies. Tom's belly measurement has been a bit high, but is not raising any major concerns yet. I didn't get his weight last night when I called in to check on the boys, but as of yesterday morning, he weighed in at 2 lbs 6 2/3 oz. I got to hold Tom kangaroo style twice this weekend. I'll just keep working my way down the row to get as much "bonding" time with each one as I can.
Sammy is doing very well; we really don't have too much to report on him. They put him on a nasal cannula and took him off CPap earlier in the weekend and he's doing wonderfully on room air (no additional oxygen support). He's up to 10 cc's for his feedings (if Tim and I remember correctly...). His tummy measurements have also been a bit high, so they're watching that closely too - like Tom. Sam has gained a lot (relatively speaking) and is up to 2 lbs 7 1/3 oz as of last night.
Joey didn't receive any feedings over the weekend - as they want to conserve his energy for fighting the staph infection he's got. They believe this infection is what caused his apnea episodes last week that put him on a ventilator. He is scheduled for a scan of his belly this morning to make sure everything looks good before introducing the breast milk again. Hopefully he'll be back to eating today. He's also scheduled for an "echo". He may have the same issue with the duct from his heart that goes around his lungs not yet closing on its own (this presents as a murmur). So, like his brother Tom, he may need to go on some meds to close that duct, but the echo will tell us more. He's still doing well on room air with the vent and they turned the rate down from 30 to 25 yesterday afternoon (a good thing). His weight is up to 2 lbs 4 2/3 oz.
Henry is our champion eater - his feedings are up to 13 cc's! They actually removed the 2 nutrient IVs yesterday because he's getting all he needs from the breast milk. He is, however, demonstrating some apnea issues. He had a handful of low heart rate episodes yesterday - which required mild stimulation to "remind" him to breathe. They did some blood tests to check for infection (like with Joey) to nip this in the bud before it gets much worse. Those test results came back okay yesterday afternoon, but they're going to run the test again this morning to be on the safe side. Hank is still doing well on room air with his cannula - though when his heart rate has dropped, they bump him up to 24-25% oxygen for a few minutes to help him recover. He weighs the same as Joey: 2 lbs 4 2/3 oz.
All 4 boys are scheduled for routine head ultrasounds this morning. This is to check for any bleeds - which are typical for preemies. We'll have those results later today.
Mom was here this weekend and was able to get some serious bonding time with 3 of the 4 boys. She'll alternate weekends down here with Pat & Don. We also had a couple visitors at the hospital: Jen L. stopped by on Saturday and Cindy S. came by yesterday. Dana and Megan were on duty over in Special Care yesterday afternoon (my first room at the hospital) and came by for a short visit too. We love to have visitors - so if you'd like to meet the boys (or see them again), just let us know.
Tim drove to Michigan on Saturday. He picked up a freezer and a bunch of food from my Uncle Tim and Aunt Sarah (THANK YOU!). He also picked up a high chair and some toys from a buddy he knows from Chrysler. AND he moved my Granny's old dresser from Mom's place to Pat & Don's. Don does a wonderful job refinishing furniture and has agreed to work on this dresser for the 2nd nursery. Thank you everyone for your generosity!
I'm still sleeping at home at night (since Friday) - and it gets a little easier each day to leave the hospital. Though I hate being so far away from the boys, it is nice to be in "my own space" and I seem to rest better. I need to find that balance between taking care of the boys and taking care of myself, but it's certainly not easy. Once we get into a routine, I think it'll be easier for me to manage. Until then, we'll take it a day at a time.
Thank you to everyone that has been following our blog. It's a little overwhelming to think about the number of people that visit this site - many of whom we've never even met. All your positive thoughts and prayers have certainly helped our boys so far - we can't thank you enough for that.
Kristin & Tim
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday update.......
Hello everyone ~ Julie here again. I received a few text messages from Kristin last night with updates. Here goes! ~~~~~~~The boys are doing well. Tom is showing improvement on his chest x-ray and also gained 3 ounces! Joey is doing well, has a staph infection, but should be thru the worst of it and also gained an ounce. Henry's feedings have been increased to 10cc's. Sam is off the bili light and is going to get a scan of his belly to make sure everything is working properly. Doesn't seem to be a major concern, we'll see what the scan says. Again, Tim & Kris thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
2 steps forward, 1 step back...
Hi everyone, this update is coming straight from the source. I thought I'd give Jules a break and post a quick update myself.
Thursday we had such a great report at the end of the day, but it turned out to be a rough night for Joey. I happened to be in the NICU to drop off some milk when Joey was in the middle of an apnea (sp?) episode. Apnea (when a baby "forgets" to breathe) is very common and typically happens in very short, momentary episodes. The episode I witnessed lasted several minutes. Needless to say, I think it was as hard on me than it was on Joey. One of the docs had been paged in to receive a new preemie to the unit and they also notified him of Joey's condition. As you may recall, Joey has been on CPap since he arrived in the NICU. Well, he had yet another longer episode of apnea about an hour or so later. So the doc had him put on a ventillator. Yesterday was a "rest day" for Joey. They held his milk feedings and provided nutrition only thru his IV and we didn't take him out of his isolette in order to avoid any unnecessary stress. We're anxious to see how he's doing today. We didn't like having to take the "step back" to put him on the ventillator, but we have faith that he'll be back on CPap soon.
One other "step back" was with Tom late Thursday night/Friday morning. Due to an over-expanded right lung, he's had to go back on the jet ventillator. He's laying on his right side to get more air in and out of his left lung and to keep the right one slightly compressed. He was due for another chest xray early this morning, so we'll know more about him shortly.
The boys have all lost weight - which is totally normal for any baby. Here are their current weights, as of yesterday afternoon:
Tom 2 lbs 3 1/3 oz
Sam 2 lbs 5 1/3 oz
Joe 2 lbs 1 2/3 oz
Henry 2 lbs 3 1/3 oz
I spent my first night at home last night. I can't even describe how difficult it was to leave the hospital, knowing I'd be away from our boys for so long. I of course called the NICU last night to get an update and I'm too anxious to call yet this morning. In fact, I'm going to end this update so I can get out the door! Mom is here for the weekend and we'll be spending most of the day at the hospital. Tim is on his way to Detroit this morning to pick up a freezer and some food from my Uncle Tim and Aunt Sarah (thank you!!!) and to run a couple other errands. Hopefully he'll get back from his day in Michigan in time to visit the boys. I'm sure he misses them as much as I do.
Thanks again for all your help, love and support. Hopefully we'll make time this weekend while we're home to get some more photos posted - we've got so many to share!
Kristin & Tim
Thursday we had such a great report at the end of the day, but it turned out to be a rough night for Joey. I happened to be in the NICU to drop off some milk when Joey was in the middle of an apnea (sp?) episode. Apnea (when a baby "forgets" to breathe) is very common and typically happens in very short, momentary episodes. The episode I witnessed lasted several minutes. Needless to say, I think it was as hard on me than it was on Joey. One of the docs had been paged in to receive a new preemie to the unit and they also notified him of Joey's condition. As you may recall, Joey has been on CPap since he arrived in the NICU. Well, he had yet another longer episode of apnea about an hour or so later. So the doc had him put on a ventillator. Yesterday was a "rest day" for Joey. They held his milk feedings and provided nutrition only thru his IV and we didn't take him out of his isolette in order to avoid any unnecessary stress. We're anxious to see how he's doing today. We didn't like having to take the "step back" to put him on the ventillator, but we have faith that he'll be back on CPap soon.
One other "step back" was with Tom late Thursday night/Friday morning. Due to an over-expanded right lung, he's had to go back on the jet ventillator. He's laying on his right side to get more air in and out of his left lung and to keep the right one slightly compressed. He was due for another chest xray early this morning, so we'll know more about him shortly.
The boys have all lost weight - which is totally normal for any baby. Here are their current weights, as of yesterday afternoon:
Tom 2 lbs 3 1/3 oz
Sam 2 lbs 5 1/3 oz
Joe 2 lbs 1 2/3 oz
Henry 2 lbs 3 1/3 oz
I spent my first night at home last night. I can't even describe how difficult it was to leave the hospital, knowing I'd be away from our boys for so long. I of course called the NICU last night to get an update and I'm too anxious to call yet this morning. In fact, I'm going to end this update so I can get out the door! Mom is here for the weekend and we'll be spending most of the day at the hospital. Tim is on his way to Detroit this morning to pick up a freezer and some food from my Uncle Tim and Aunt Sarah (thank you!!!) and to run a couple other errands. Hopefully he'll get back from his day in Michigan in time to visit the boys. I'm sure he misses them as much as I do.
Thanks again for all your help, love and support. Hopefully we'll make time this weekend while we're home to get some more photos posted - we've got so many to share!
Kristin & Tim
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday Update!!
Hello all! Kristin e-mailed me today with the update, I will just copy and paste what she wrote below. Enjoy.~~~~~~~~~ Tom: has been the best and most consistent with digesting his feedings - 5cc's at each feeding. He is off the jet vent and doing really well. Will prob stay on the reg vent for a while, but will eventually get on cpap. The medication to close the duct from his heart to bypass his lungs (used in the womb when I'm pumping blood for him) seems to have worked after one round. This is what allowed him to come off the jet. I held Tom "kangaroo" style today - skin on skin. It was wonderful! Words can't describe. He did really well the rest of the day - the doc and nurses attribute it to my time with him this morning.
Sam: doing very well on cpap. Pretty well on feedings - he's been "giving a lot back" (not digesting some or most of his food). I also held him kangaroo style this afternoon. His oxygen level kept dropping and we couldn't figure out why and tried just about everything. Then a nurse peeked under my shirt to find his feet - since his blood oxygen monitor was on one of his feet. He was laying on his foot and it had probably fallen asleep. :) after we figured that out, the rest of our time together was wonderful.
Joey: up to 7cc's per feeding and doing pretty well digesting it all. He's holding his own on room air on cpap. Dad held him this morning. He is still having problems with apnea - he "forgets" to breathe. All 4 boys are on caffeine to help avoid that, but Joe still struggles with it every now and then.
Henry: the nursing staff likes to call him Hank - and I think he likes that. He came off cpap today and is now on just a small nose piece. We finally got to see him without all that gear on his head. And just as we suspected, he is very handsome! Like Joey - though usually a litle better - he gives back some of his feedings. He's also on 7cc's per feeding. Dad also held held Hank this morning.
I'm doing well - today is the first day I haven't relied on a wheelchair to get around. Much less pain. I go see Dr. Donald tomorrow morning to get my staples removed. I'm sure he'll be interested in my blood pressure too. Hopefully the meds he put me on for that are working. Tim is taking me out for a bit tonight to visit friends and to get me some fresh air.
Thanks again to Jules for managing these updates. And to everyone for their continued prayers and support. I know we say that all the time, but we just can't seem to say it enough.
Kris & Tim
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday Update!!
Hello everyone! I am updating for Kristin again....(this is Julie):
Kristin stayed in the parent room at the NICU last night. She said there isn't a shower, but a nice private bedroom with a half bath. Very convenient to the NICU to drop off milk as she pumped.
They took Sam off the vent last night, his numbers were still good this morning, so they extubated him and put him on CPap. He's still doing pretty well - but may need to go back on the vent. They will see how he does over the next day or so.
All 4 babies have had successful feedings ~ when they do digest all or almost all of their food. They've each also had some not so good feedings, but that is to be expected.
Tom is still on the jet vent and the doctor said that Sam is trying to set a good example for Tom to follow suit! :)
Tim and Kris are staying tonight at the Ronald McDonald house at the hospital. A very nice facility and more space than the parents rooms in the NICU.
Kristin would like to let everyone know that if you're interested in making donations to the Ronald McDonald house (money, gift cards, pop tabs, food, household items, personal care items) all are welcome. She will get the details to me soon to post.
Kristin is doing well, has a friend visiting now and Tim ran home for a bit. She's really tired today, but happy to have the many opportunites to visit with the boys!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday Morning Update!
Hello everyone! Julie again, Kristin sent me an e-mail this morning (as I'm back in Ohio now) with details for a blog update! Kristin's doctor is keeping her in the hospital for one more day (discharge now Tuesday). Her blood pressure is still a little high, so they're now giving her a new medication to help get rid of the excess fluid, which is possibly causing the high blood pressure. Kristin's lost over 20 pounds, but still 40 pounds from her pre-pregnancy weight, so if the Dr. likes the results from today, she'll be discharged tomorrow. The NICU doctor came by this morning with an update. Joey and Henry continue to be very active and are progressing well. They're going to increase their feedings to 4cc's today. Sam is making progress and will begin smaller feedings today - his first! He is still on the "jet" ventilator. Tom has been on a ventilator, but is now on the jet, like Sam. The doc doesn't see this as a setback for Tom, but more of a "bump". Overall, they're all progressing well. Tim even held Joey yesterday - and changed another diaper. :) Kristin held Tommy and Henry, but let Sam rest. It can be a little stressful moving them out of their isolettes, so we wanted to avoid the additional stress for him. Kristin and Tim say thanks again for all your love and support! Its been a whirlwind since Thursday - and they're not sure how we could have gotten thru it all without you!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday Morning Update!
Hello everyone! Thought I would update again this morning. Happy to report that all 4 babies did very well during the night. Sam will get some more blood today and is on the vent still. But, his head scan report from yesterday showed that everything is normal. Henry and Joey are still on the CPap but receiving less oxygen. Tommy is still on the vent as well. Kristin is doing very well and will move to a regular mother/baby room today. Tim came home last night to get some much needed rest and gave me their camera to post these wonderful pictures! Check out Mommy holding her 4 precious babies!! Enjoy! ~ Julie~~~~~~~
Mommy and Tommy
Mommy and Joey
Mommy and HenrySaturday, March 21, 2009
Saturday evening update!
Hello everyone! Thought I'd update the blog again this evening. Katie and I were able to go to the hospital this evening and visit with Tim & Kris and the babies. Here is an update on how they're all doing:
Kristin ~ doing much better this afternoon and evening. Off all IV's and taking pain meds every 4 hours. Was able to get a shower, eat some regular food and get some rest. And.....the best news.....she was able to HOLD all 4 babies!!!! So exciting for all of them.
Sam ~ his hemoglobin level is still low, so they'll probably give him more blood. They have not started the nitric oxide. Sam is on a high-frequency vent.
Henry ~ on a CPap.
Thomas ~ on a regular vent.
Joey ~ on a CPap.
All 4 babies are receiving nurishment also. The NICU is amazing, such GREAT nurses and Dr.'s in there. The 4 boys are in terrific hands.
Kristin and Tim thank everyone for their love, thoughts and prayers!!
~ Julie & Katie
Saturday morning update
Hello everyone! Julie again. I have an update from Kristin & Tim about the boys. Both Sam & Tom have been intubated, but Sam isn't responding as well. They're going to do a heart scan today to see if there's anything else going on. The neonatologist came to their room not to long ago and said that Sam has pulmonary hypertension. The vessels that carry the blood from the heart to the lungs are very small. So, even though they've been able to get his lungs to expand with the help of the ventilator, the blood volume going through the lungs isn't enough to keep him well oxygenated. They're putting him on nitric oxide to try to dilate those vessels. Please ~ start those prayers going ~ little Sam (and the rest of the family) can use all the thoughts and prayers. I will keep you all updated as soon as I hear more. We're communicating via text messages ~ as I'm still at Kristin & Tim's house getting things organized here. With the help of Kristin's Mom, Brian and the girls! ~ Julie
Friday, March 20, 2009
Welcome Coleman Babies!!
The Coleman babies have arrived!!!!! I was able to get pictures ~ welcome sweet baby boys!!! Everyone seems to be doing just fine. Kristin is back in her room and resting. She and Tim thank everyone for their wonderful thoughts and prayers, they are working!!!
~ Julie~~~~
15.2 inches, 2 pounds 10 ounces, born at 11:38am
14.75 inches, 2 pounds 8 ounces born at 11:39am
Update #3
Hello again ~ I haven't heard back from Tim or Kristin yet with the scheduled C-section time. I am going to head to South Bend now, so there probably won't be another update on their blog 'till later today. I will keep you posted! ~ Julie
Update #2
Hello again........I just talked with Kristin and Tim ~ they need to deliver the babies today. Kristin's platelets dropped another 2 points. So, they need to come. As soon as I know the scheduled C-section time, I will update again. Please keep the 6 of them in your thoughts & prayers!!!!!! ~ Julie
Hello everyone ~ this is Julie, Tim & Kristin's friend. She has asked me to update her blog for her. Yesterday, (March 19th) Kristin was admitted to the hospital with "mild-preeclampsia." Her blood pressure was a little high at 146/90 and her platelets are dropping instead of going up. She is having more blood drawn this morning (Friday, March 20th) to check her platelet level again. If the blood work comes back and shows that her platelet level is continuing to go down, the Dr.'s will need to deliver the babies.
As of last night when I talked with her, her blood pressure had gone down and she and Tim were starting to relax comfortably in their hospital room. They wanted me to also mention that the concern and support from their friends and family is greatly appreciated!!!
They do not have internet access, but Kristin does have her cell phone and can receive/send text messages.
Please continue to keep them all in your thoughts/prayers and I will update again when I know more.
~ Julie
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Almost 28 Weeks
Our appointment with Dr. Donald today was good overall - and eventful...
I weighed in a whopping 17 pounds heavier since our last appointment - which was only 2 weeks ago. This raised a huge red flag in our constant watch for symptoms of preeclampsia. The cause of preeclampsia (also called toxemia) is unknown. What is known, however, is that women expecting multiples are more likely to develop this condition than those with singletons. Its related to high blood pressure, fluid retention/swelling, and liver/kidneys not functioning properly. There are several symptoms - and aside from my sudden weigh gain (tied to the fluid retention/swelling), nothing else by itself would point to preeclampsia. But with a moderately high blood pressure and slightly elevated protein levels in my urine, Dr. Donald is concerned...and, of course, so are we.
Following our appointment, Dr. Donald sent us to the lab to have blood drawn. These tests would tell us how well my kidneys and liver are functioning. Unfortunately, the results came back late this afternoon with "slightly elevated" numbers - meaning my kidneys and/or liver aren't quite performing up to par. The Doc is not panicked over all this - but definitely concerned. So, here's where we stand right now:
I have been firmly directed to lay on my side at all times (well, except when I have to go to the restroom, of course). I'll call the Doc's office Wednesday morning to schedule an appointment on Thursday. Dr. Donald wants to see me again and repeat the same lab tests. He told me on the phone today that I should simply plan on being admitted to the hospital Thursday. In theory, if all my test results come back with better numbers (as rest and lots of fluids can lessen or reverse some preeclampsia symptoms), the Doc could send me home in a couple days. BUT - knowing Dr. Donald and his typically conservative approach, he will most likely keep me in the hospital until after I deliver the babies.
Speaking of delivering the babies... If my symptoms worsen over time, and my health becomes a concern, the only "cure" for preeclampsia is to deliver the babies - regardless of how far along we are. That is not the best situation, but obviously, Dr. Donald is responsible for my health, as well as that of the babies - and we have to consider the situation from all angles. This is the main reason the Doc wants me to be in the hospital; as all 5 of us can be more closely monitored.
Having said all this - I really do need to share the good news from our appointment. I'm not showing any signs of preterm labor. All 4 babies are doing well. They're all active and growing! Like last time, the numbers below are estimates based on a variety of measurements. The "ages" are +/- 15 days and the weights are +/- 5 ounces.
Baby A: 28 weeks 2 days / 2 lbs 9 oz
Baby B: 27 weeks 2 days / 2 lbs 7 oz
Tommy: 27 weeks 5 days / 2 lbs 10 oz
Joey: 27 weeks 0 days / 2 lbs 6 oz
Well, one of us will update everyone after our appointment on Thursday. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love,
Kristin & Tim
I weighed in a whopping 17 pounds heavier since our last appointment - which was only 2 weeks ago. This raised a huge red flag in our constant watch for symptoms of preeclampsia. The cause of preeclampsia (also called toxemia) is unknown. What is known, however, is that women expecting multiples are more likely to develop this condition than those with singletons. Its related to high blood pressure, fluid retention/swelling, and liver/kidneys not functioning properly. There are several symptoms - and aside from my sudden weigh gain (tied to the fluid retention/swelling), nothing else by itself would point to preeclampsia. But with a moderately high blood pressure and slightly elevated protein levels in my urine, Dr. Donald is concerned...and, of course, so are we.
Following our appointment, Dr. Donald sent us to the lab to have blood drawn. These tests would tell us how well my kidneys and liver are functioning. Unfortunately, the results came back late this afternoon with "slightly elevated" numbers - meaning my kidneys and/or liver aren't quite performing up to par. The Doc is not panicked over all this - but definitely concerned. So, here's where we stand right now:
I have been firmly directed to lay on my side at all times (well, except when I have to go to the restroom, of course). I'll call the Doc's office Wednesday morning to schedule an appointment on Thursday. Dr. Donald wants to see me again and repeat the same lab tests. He told me on the phone today that I should simply plan on being admitted to the hospital Thursday. In theory, if all my test results come back with better numbers (as rest and lots of fluids can lessen or reverse some preeclampsia symptoms), the Doc could send me home in a couple days. BUT - knowing Dr. Donald and his typically conservative approach, he will most likely keep me in the hospital until after I deliver the babies.
Speaking of delivering the babies... If my symptoms worsen over time, and my health becomes a concern, the only "cure" for preeclampsia is to deliver the babies - regardless of how far along we are. That is not the best situation, but obviously, Dr. Donald is responsible for my health, as well as that of the babies - and we have to consider the situation from all angles. This is the main reason the Doc wants me to be in the hospital; as all 5 of us can be more closely monitored.
Having said all this - I really do need to share the good news from our appointment. I'm not showing any signs of preterm labor. All 4 babies are doing well. They're all active and growing! Like last time, the numbers below are estimates based on a variety of measurements. The "ages" are +/- 15 days and the weights are +/- 5 ounces.
Baby A: 28 weeks 2 days / 2 lbs 9 oz
Baby B: 27 weeks 2 days / 2 lbs 7 oz
Tommy: 27 weeks 5 days / 2 lbs 10 oz
Joey: 27 weeks 0 days / 2 lbs 6 oz
Well, one of us will update everyone after our appointment on Thursday. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Lots of love,
Kristin & Tim
Thursday, March 12, 2009
26-27 Week Update

Last weekend, my mother-in-law Pat was kind enough to snap a few pictures of Tim, me and my belly. (Thank you Pat!) The amazing part is that she didn't even need a wide angle lens...but we're getting close, as you can see.

The "mandatory" profile shot...our boys are definitely growing!

My new digs: We put a twin bed in the living room, as it is more comfortable and a little higher, so it's much easier for me to move to a standing position. Thankfully the nifty laptop table Kevin & Nikki gave me for Christmas does go one level higher than this, so I can pull it up closer and avoid the need to grow longer arms - though it doesn't go high enough to get over my belly. Go figure... Now that I've officially been on leave from work for just over a week, the monotony of bed rest is starting to kick in. Please give me a call at home or email me if you get a chance. It certainly helps break up the day!
We've got a busy weekend planned: Pat will arrive sometime on Friday and stay thru the weekend. My brother Kevin and his family Nikki, Aaron and our new neice Sophia will arrive mid-day on Saturday and stay thru Sunday morning. Don (my father-in-law) will be at a tractor auction in near-by Shipshewana, IN. Tim will spend the day with him there on Saturday, then bring him home to stay the night and ride home with Pat Sunday afternoon. Something tells me I'll be on my twin bed in the livingroom watching all the activity from a safe distance...
One more item to note: The women in my Bunco group have offered to start bringing over meals to us twice a week. Its difficult for me to spend much time on my feet - and I'm supposed to be laying down as much as possible - which makes it a bit difficult to cook a meal. We can't thank you girls enough for doing this for us. The generosity of our new friends here in Indiana is almost overwhelming.
We hit the 27 week mark on Wednesday - and I'm so thankful to still be at home. As you may recall, our next appointment with Dr. Donald is Tuesday the 17th. We'll be sure to post an update shortly after that. Hopefully I'll be posting that update from home, but he may have me admitted to the hospital if he feels that would be safer for the babies and me. We'll definitely keep you posted!
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!
Tim & Kristin
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Check-up at 25 Weeks 6 Days
Well, believe it or not, I'm still at home. With each appointment, the likelihood of being admitted to the hospital increases...but so far we're still beating the odds.
Our appointment on Tuesday went really well. My blood pressure was almost back down to normal (well, normal for me anyway) at 100 over 72. The babies' heart rates were all great. Lori even noted that the babies are all active...I could have told her that. :)
Then the moment of truth - they measured my cervix and as crazy as it sounds, it's still holding strong at 5cm! When Dr. Donald saw it on the screen he just smiled, shook his head and said "Would you look at that..." He thinks we should call Energizer and tell them to ditch the Bunny...we've got a new mascot for them. I just keep going and going and going... At least we hope so.
I officially started my leave from work on Tuesday (the day of our appointment), though I just finished my last project this morning for our big event next week in Vegas. I told Dr. Donald that I'd be spending most of my time laying around and he was happy to hear that. We scheduled the next appointment for 2 weeks out (St. Patty's Day, actually). If I remember correctly, they'll measure the growth of the babies again at that appointment. Then I'll go back a week later, when they'll measure my cervix. This plan assumes, of course, that I don't run into any problems that require me to be admitted between now and then. (Keep your fingers crossed!)
I'm so incredibly thankful to still be at home this far into the pregnancy. There are still a lot of things we'd like to get done around the house before I'm admitted - and we're very happy to have the time to get them done. To help us, Pat and Don (Tim's folks) will come down this weekend and again next weekend. The following weekend, our good friends Brian & Jules will come with their girls. One thing I want to accomplish this weekend is to get some photos taken of Tim and me (and my belly) to post on the blog. (Keep your fingers crossed on that one too!)
Thanks again for all of your thoughts, prayers and support.
Tim & Kristin
Our appointment on Tuesday went really well. My blood pressure was almost back down to normal (well, normal for me anyway) at 100 over 72. The babies' heart rates were all great. Lori even noted that the babies are all active...I could have told her that. :)
Then the moment of truth - they measured my cervix and as crazy as it sounds, it's still holding strong at 5cm! When Dr. Donald saw it on the screen he just smiled, shook his head and said "Would you look at that..." He thinks we should call Energizer and tell them to ditch the Bunny...we've got a new mascot for them. I just keep going and going and going... At least we hope so.
I officially started my leave from work on Tuesday (the day of our appointment), though I just finished my last project this morning for our big event next week in Vegas. I told Dr. Donald that I'd be spending most of my time laying around and he was happy to hear that. We scheduled the next appointment for 2 weeks out (St. Patty's Day, actually). If I remember correctly, they'll measure the growth of the babies again at that appointment. Then I'll go back a week later, when they'll measure my cervix. This plan assumes, of course, that I don't run into any problems that require me to be admitted between now and then. (Keep your fingers crossed!)
I'm so incredibly thankful to still be at home this far into the pregnancy. There are still a lot of things we'd like to get done around the house before I'm admitted - and we're very happy to have the time to get them done. To help us, Pat and Don (Tim's folks) will come down this weekend and again next weekend. The following weekend, our good friends Brian & Jules will come with their girls. One thing I want to accomplish this weekend is to get some photos taken of Tim and me (and my belly) to post on the blog. (Keep your fingers crossed on that one too!)
Thanks again for all of your thoughts, prayers and support.
Tim & Kristin
Monday, March 2, 2009
Update at (almost) 25 weeks

This update (though a week late) will be short and sweet. Last Tuesday we went back to see Dr. Donald. They did a pretty thorough ultrasound to measure the growth of the babies - and I'm happy to report all are right on track. The tech (Lori) measured various body parts (head, abdomen, arm, leg) and used those numbers to estimate each baby's weight and "age". These are, of course, estimates and the margins of error are +/- 2 weeks and +/- 4 ounces:
Baby A: 25 weeks 0 days, 1 lb 12 oz
Baby B: 25 weeks 0 days, 1 lb 14 oz
Tommy: 24 weeks 4 days, 1 lb 8 oz
Joey: 23 weeks 5 days, 1 lb 6 oz
The photos at the top are all shots of the babies' faces. It's difficult to see, but the shots of A & B are profiles and Tommy & Joey are looking into the camera (though Tommy's left hand is partially covering his face).
My blood pressure is still running high (for me anyway), but hasn't raised any red flags for Dr. Donald. In fact, he told me that at this stage of the game, he's "looking for an excuse to admit me to the hospital". Thankfully, I haven't given him one yet. He sent me home with orders to get more rest and to keep eating a lot. :) We go back to see him tomorrow (just one week between appointments this time). They'll just check heartbeats on the babies and measure my cervix again. I anticipate that he'll either admit me to the hospital or put me on full-time bed rest at home. So, I've made plans to begin my leave from work starting tomorrow. I'll still help out with a couple small projects for the next week or so, as we've got a huge event in Vegas next week. Once that's over, I'll be done with work completely. It's kind of strange to think about not working, but it will certainly be a relief to remove that stress.
So I've been getting more time laying on my side - though this weekend proved to be pretty busy. Mike (Tim's brother), Kate, Chase, Jack & Addelyn came for a visit Friday night. We were so happy to finally meet Addelyn (just 2 weeks old) and to see the family. It was a short visit, but we are so happy they made the trip.
As they were heading out, my mom arrived. Mom stayed the night and helped us out with hemming some pants and some other stuff around the house. With her, she brought a car load of stuff for the babies. Thank you (you know who you are) to everyone that sent items down with her. While Mom was here, she even took me to the mall, where she pushed me from store to store in a rented wheelchair. The wheelchair was kind of a strange experience from my perspective, but it was so nice to get out and run some errands without the exhaustion & discomfort that walking and standing bring me these days.
Also this weekend, my brother Kevin called to tell us that our other neice was born: Sophia Elizabeth. His wife Nikki had been struggling for some time with on-and-off contractions and bed rest - and little Sophia waited until the day before her due date to make her appearance. We're looking forward to meeting Sophia sometime soon too.
Well, I wanted to include some belly shots to show all of you how big the babies are growing, but I haven't gotten anyone to take my photo yet. Hopefully soon. We'll have another update to post after tomorrow's doctor appointment - so I'll try to add a belly shot to that post. In the meantime, please keep sending us your positive thoughts and prayers - they really seem to be working!
Tim & Kris
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