Henry's first try at the bouncy seat. It didn't last too long, but he did like the looks of that giraffe.

Sammy in a silly hat made by Nana (my mom). The look on his face says it all, doesn't it? :)

Three peas on the activity mat. They had as much fun reaching for (and hitting) each other as they did playing with the toys.

Two of our most favorite helpers: Jen and her mom Lynne. We certainly couldn't have made it through the first couple weeks without their help! For reference: Jen is holding Sam, Lynne has Henry ("the champ") and I've got Joe.

Tim wanted to join the fun on activity mat. I'm not sure how much the boys enjoyed Dad invading their space, but Tim had a blast!

Henry really enjoys taking tubbies. Here he is enjoying his post-bath snuggle in his towel.

Here it is the Fabulous Feeder 2009 or "The Contraption" as I like to call it. (though there have been a number of different names under consideration...not all suitable for print...) Tim made this out of PVC and velcro - pretty clever, if you ask me. The goal: to shave time off our feedings - particularly the night time feedings. So far, we've had good success with it.

Well, I need to run. I'll post updates on each of the boys - particularly on Tom's progress - very soon. Take care!
Tim, Kristin & the boys
Looks like everyone is doing well! Love the Fabulous Feeder ~ do I see that out on the market soon?!?! Can't wait to get my time with everyone in August. Love you all! Aunt Jules xoxo
ReplyDeleteEveryone looks awesome! Great job on the feeder Tim!!
ReplyDeleteHugs to all -
Necessity is the mother of inventions. Everyone ooks great and healthy. Tim, you look like you're having to much fun. Wat until Tom gets home and then the realfun begins.
Kris and Tim, the boys look great and I pray that Tommy gets to come home soon too. We love you all. Honey and Ken
ReplyDeleteThe feeder is definately unique and it's nice to know Tim's creativity has been put to good use. Love to you all. Dorothy & Roland
ReplyDeleteSo great to hear that things are going well with you guys! What a great idea Tim with "The Contraption"! Anything that helps is a good thing! You all continue to be in our thoughts! Hope to get your way soon. Take care! Miss you!
ReplyDeleteJen, Mike & Ryan
I love the baby feeder! That is awesome! The boys look great and are getting so big. Of course, you look fabulous! Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that your whole family can be together very soon.
ReplyDeletelove ya!
Congratulations! I know this is way after the fact but I just found out about the boys. I guess that happens when you let ten years pass without communication. Anyway, I hope all is well and to hear from you soon. If you get a chance call me or email me- 907.687.8421 erickson621@gmail.com.
(sung in four off pitch voices)
I swear I could hear it in Wayne today.