Thursday, June 25, 2009

Photo Updates

As I'm sure you can imagine, life with three babies at home and one at the hospital has been crazy busy - but so rewarding and fun too. Here are a few shots and some quick updates from the last couple weeks.

Henry's first try at the bouncy seat. It didn't last too long, but he did like the looks of that giraffe.

Sammy in a silly hat made by Nana (my mom). The look on his face says it all, doesn't it? :)

Three peas on the activity mat. They had as much fun reaching for (and hitting) each other as they did playing with the toys.

Two of our most favorite helpers: Jen and her mom Lynne. We certainly couldn't have made it through the first couple weeks without their help! For reference: Jen is holding Sam, Lynne has Henry ("the champ") and I've got Joe.

Tim wanted to join the fun on activity mat. I'm not sure how much the boys enjoyed Dad invading their space, but Tim had a blast!

Henry really enjoys taking tubbies. Here he is enjoying his post-bath snuggle in his towel.

Here it is the Fabulous Feeder 2009 or "The Contraption" as I like to call it. (though there have been a number of different names under consideration...not all suitable for print...) Tim made this out of PVC and velcro - pretty clever, if you ask me. The goal: to shave time off our feedings - particularly the night time feedings. So far, we've had good success with it.

Well, I need to run. I'll post updates on each of the boys - particularly on Tom's progress - very soon. Take care!

Tim, Kristin & the boys

Friday, June 12, 2009

Welcome home Joe!

As many of you know, we welcomed Joey home on Sunday, May 31. And although we are thrilled with his recovery and progress since his abscess, it was bittersweet to bring him home. In fact, I bawled at the NICU before we left with Joe - at the thought of leaving Tom "alone". I know he's in wonderful, caring hands with the staff at the NICU, but I hate that he's there now without his brothers.

Anyway, we've got three healthy boys at home now and we're so very thankful. It's been pretty crazy around here - as I'm sure you can imagine. Mom was here for Joe's first night home and Jen is still here in the trenches with us. I'm not sure how we're going to make it all work (especially the night time feedings) once Jen goes home!

Here are a few highlights from Joe's homecoming:

Joe in his car seat before leaving the NICU: "Wait! Isn't Tommy coming with us?"

Joe and his proud parents (with mom's tears wiped away). Valisa took this photo (since Henry wasn't with us this time). She was Joe's primary nurse and brought him into the NICU from delivery, so it was perfectly appropriate to have her there to wheel him out.

It seems to be Coleman boy tradition to fall asleep in the car seat on the way to or from the hospital. Don't you just want to eat this little peanut up?

Three peas in a pod. And just for the record: It's definitely Sam in the middle, but even their mother can't tell which one is Joe or Henry in this photo...

Lots more photos and a list of things we could use help with (thank you to those that have offered!) to come soon. Also, a big thanks to our neighbors and friends in the bunco group for their generosity in brining meals to us. We've been overwhelmed with all the love, help and support from our extended family here in Indiana. Thank you!!

Lots of love,
Tim, Kristin & the boys