The bed that was in that room is now in the second nursery - just temporarily. With all the visitors we anticipate until long after the babies come home from the hospital, it just didn't make sense to take down this guest bed until we need to.
Tim & Kurt also assembled the last 3 cribs. We are fortunate to have been able to use cribs and other pieces offered to us by friends and family. The furniture in each room isn't yet arranged in its final place, but we thought a few "in progress" photos might be fun to share.

This is the first crib that Dana and I assembled last week. I included this close-up shot so you could get a better look at the bumper pad and coordinating crib sheet.

These are the cribs and dresser that are in the first nursery. (Even the dresser came from friends!) The changing table will come from our neighbors or we'll use the one I got from Freecycle - both are an oak color, like the furniture already in the room. We'll start the babies in this room - two to a crib - when they first come home. They'll be tiny enough to share the space - and may be used to the companionship of their brothers.

These are the cribs in the second nursery. The crib on the right came from friends with a coordinating changing table. We'll also have my Granny's dresser in this room. Tim's dad is going to refinish it for us and have it ready in the spring. We're certainly not in any hurry for it, as the boys won't be in this room for a while. But at least we're getting everything in place.
I've also spent some time working on the "inventory" that Leza and I started a couple weeks ago. We're trying to determine what we still need, and which items we need to have before the babies come. To fill some of the holes, Dana and I went to Babies R Us yesterday to take advantage of some sales and coupons. We still have holes left to fill, but thanks to the generosity at our showers and all the wonderful hand-me-downs we've received, we're a lot further along than we expected.
We're looking forward to my mom's visit next weekend (hopefully the weather isn't like this weekend!). And perhaps the week after that, Tim's brother Mike and his family will come down for a visit too. They just had a baby girl and we're very anxious to meet our new neice Addelyn Rose. Then the weekend of the 14th, Tim's parents will be in town. We're always happy to have visitors and depending on my activity level - I'm sure I'll be anxious for the company.
I think that wraps it up for now. Everything else is good here. Tim's out shoveling the driveway - we're up to about a foot of snow for the weekend. I should wrap this up and get comfortable on my side for a little while. Take care, everyone! Talk to you soon!
Love Tim & Kristin
Everything looks fantastic! So beautiful, great work! Glad you're still doing good, keep me posted on your dr. appt. on Tuesday. I am hoping for a visit in March ~ lets start throwing some dates out there. Love you!! ~ Jules