I'm not sure you can really call it a "bump" any more. As you can see from the pictures above, I'm certainly gaining in belly size on my sisters-in-law! For some reason, the pictures loaded in reverse order - so I'll start from the bottom:
The headless pic with 2 pregnant girls in pink and red was taken at the Sasse Christmas party at our house on Dec 20. Kate is about 12 weeks ahead of me, but Tommy, Joey, A & B are certainly doing their best to close the gap.
The next shot is Nikki and me on Christmas Eve at their place (I'm wearing green in this shot). Nik has about 14 weeks on me...so I'm not sure I'll be able to catch up to her before little Sophia arrives in late February.
The last shots were taken on Christmas Day at Pat & Don's. (believe it or not, we did not plan to wear red that day) From left to right: Kristin, Kate & Carrie. Carrie is about 16 weeks ahead of me, but her baby is growing ahead of pace, so she's measuring closer to 40 weeks. She's certainly got us all beat in the belly department!
We'll go back to see Dr. Donald on Friday for a quick check-up, so we'll have an update on the weekend. In the meantime, we wish everyone a safe and happy new year!
Kristin & Tim
You are just so damn cute!!!! Can't wait to see you on Saturday! Leslie is here with me, she just thinks you are to damn cute too. We love you!!!